Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi


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He is the internationally recognized president of Yemen. Although a southerner born in Abyan governorate, he was on the losing side of the 1986 civil war in the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen and escaped to exile in northern Yemen. Hadi was a military officer fighting against the south during Yemen’s 1994 civil war, after which he became President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s vice president. Hadi came to power in November 2011 under the GCC Initiative and was the sole candidate in a February 2012 presidential election. Yemenis perceive Hadi as someone who has pandered to the West and the GCC above fixing the multitude of social and economic problems in Yemen.

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He is the internationally recognized president of Yemen. Although a southerner born in Abyan governorate, he was on the losing side of th... Show More
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