Situation Report Yemen Situation Report


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Yemen Situation Report Situation Report


Katherine Zimmerman

Latest Edition

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The Yemeni government’s authority has been challenged and developments have pushed the country toward state fragmentation. The political opposition is seeking to establish a new government.

The Yemeni government’s authority has been challenged and developments have pushed the country toward state fragmentation. The political opposition is seeking to establish a new government.

The opposition announced it would form a transitional council unless the vice president accepts his new position. The Joint Meeting Parties, Yemen’s main opposition bloc, has sought a complete transfer of power to Yemen’s vice president. The transitional council would organize elections in areas outside of the president’s current control and would seek international recognition.

The Pentagon suspended the training program for Yemen’s counter-terrorism forces. The program is expected to be reinstituted once the security situation improves in the country.

Yemen’s power vacuum has led groups to seize control of cities and increases the likelihood of state fragmentation. The country also remains at risk of a renewed armed conflict.

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